Joint Summer School on Doing Business Across Europe, TH Rosenheim, Germany

thr_logoWe are pleased to invite the students to join the Joint Summer School on Doing Business Across Europe taking place from June 22, 2020 - July 11, 2020.

This Joint Summer School is organized in partnership of 3 universities in Europe. The program will last a total of 3 weeks in three different countries: Germany, the Netherlands & Spain.

2020_jointsummerschool_flyer_350The program is designed for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students. It aims at giving students a first-hand insight on the future of doing business responsibly and covers current trends and issues in the field of business ethics, circular economy and entrepreneurship & innovation.

The online application is open now until May 1, 2020. Places are limited and are allocated on a "first come, first served" basis. Early Birds who register before February 1, 2020 receive a 10% discount.

Please find more information attached and at
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